If you’re wondering how to check your skin type, you’re right! In this article we will look at the main skin types, their advantages and disadvantages, and what care is best for them. All this is so that you know how to act in case of undesirable changes to your epidermis.

How to check your skin type?

There are many ways to determine your skin type. How do you know what type of skin you have? You can easily find out at home. You’ll need a handkerchief and a non-greasy face wash gel, for example. Wash it thoroughly, wait an hour and then put a prepared piece of paper on it.

If your skin is smooth and even, you have normal skin. If your skin is flaky, it is a sign that you have dry skin. The oily mark on the whole tissue will be a sign of oily skin, but only in the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) – it will tell you that you have mixed skin.

Normal skin

This type of skin is characterized by smooth, firm and soft skin. It has small pores, is well supplied with blood and has no visible blood vessels. It also prides itself on the absence of blackheads, wrinkles and the fact that it does not flake off.

Such healthy looking skin is usually the skin type of children up to puberty. In order to preserve its natural properties, mild care cosmetics should be used. In summer, light moisturizing creams with UV filters are recommended, while cold ones provide protection against frost. It is also characteristic that over the years the skin naturally becomes drier and drier.

Dry complexion

If at least one of your parents has dry skin, there’s a good chance you’ll have it too. You can often just inherit it with your genes. This type of skin is also formed during insufficient or inappropriate body care, for example. It is usually dull and rough to the touch. It often lacks shine because it produces little sebum.

Dry skin is thin, not very elastic and susceptible to damage, and therefore very sensitive. Its advantages are small pores and high resistance to blackheads. Due to the low activity of sebaceous glands, it is adversely affected: high temperature, strong wind and frost. They cause redness and a burning sensation, resulting in dilated and cracked blood vessels.

Weather conditions also contribute to a stronger drying of the skin, and even to its cracking and flaking. Dry skin also undergoes the process of ageing faster and “gains” wrinkles. Cosmetics adapted to this type of skin can slow down this process. Due to the fact that it lacks moisture and greasiness, preparations that retain moisture are a good choice.

If you have this type of skin, you should beware of soapy water – it can lead to redness or irritation of the epidermis. Instead, use a micellar emulsion. Avoid cosmetics based on alcohols and granular scrubs, which will only make your skin worse. When applying makeup, use cosmetics for dry skin. Choose foundation that will additionally moisturize your skin. In the case of powders, do not use loose ones, as they will highlight defects even more.

Oily skin

This is the opposite of dry skin. Its appearance is affected by hormonal disorders, improper functioning of the digestive system and stress, among others. This skin is poorly bloodied. It has very active sebaceous glands. Due to excess sebum, it has a greasy and shiny layer on the surface. It is characterized by enlarged pores that tend to clog, which is why blackheads, inflammation and even acne often occur on it.

Positives include the fact that it ages much slower than dry skin. It also remains smooth and firm for longer, and excess sebum protects it from drying out. It is relatively thick, thanks to which its blood vessels are hardly visible. It also copes well with most external factors. The exception is the excess of sunlight, which contributes to increased seborrhea, which translates into an increased number of eczemas.

For the care of oily skin, cleansing gels dedicated to this type of skin are recommended, as well as systematic toning. In addition, it is worth to apply a peeling, e.g. once a week. After exfoliating the epidermis you can use a cream that will nourish the skin. If you have skin of this type, avoid aggressive degreasing methods and cosmetics containing alcohol, because this ingredient dries excessively, which accelerates seborrhea.

Use preparations that are neutral or slightly acidic. When choosing the right foundation, make sure it is matt. It’s good if it also moisturises the skin, as these products can dehydrate it. A concealer to conceal pimples may also be useful.

Mixed skin

This is the most common skin type. It combines the characteristics of dry and oily skin. How is this possible? Dry skin usually occurs around cheeks and temples. Oily skin is related to the so-called T-zone. People with such skin have to be careful about damaging the epidermis and at the same time fight against excess sebum.

Different skin types require different care methods. If you have such skin, remember to apply creams to specific parts of your face. On the cheeks and temples, keep them moisturised with high levels of lipids. In the T-zone, try to prevent excessive seborrhea and shine. You can also use cosmetics that are designed for mixed skin.

Can your skin type change?

Numerous studies have shown that genes have the greatest influence on skin type. For this reason, it is not possible to change your skin type permanently. However, it is worth taking good care of your skin, because with the matching cosmetics you can alleviate the inconveniences described above.

It is clear that taking care of your skin should be your priority. If you are not sure what type of skin you have, you can use the help of a dermatologist or cosmetologist. It is also worthwhile to consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist if you have serious skin problems. You should also be cautious about your daily skin care, as well as about choosing the right cosmetics. Healthy skin is one of the most important elements of a healthy body.