Poor diet, stress, medication, polluted environment, hormonal disorders. Although the causes of imperfections such as acne are widely known, the treatment of its symptoms is not an easy and quick process.

Acne is a persistent dermatological condition most often diagnosed in adolescents, but the problem also affects adults, even after 40 years of age. Do you notice enlarged pores? Aesthetic pustules in the chin and cheek area do not leave you alone? This can mean that you have acne skin. It’s worth taking preventive measures earlier to alleviate these symptoms and calm your complexion!

How can you reduce the risk of developing the disease and enlarging skin lesions? Of course, with well-chosen care. An indispensable element in everyday prevention should be an effective, high-quality cream, which not only helps to minimize the effects of acne, but also intensively moisturizes the skin.

Acne complexion – characteristics

Excessive skin shine, purple-panky blooms, blackheads… Acne skin imperfections can spoil every woman’s mood. Where do all these persistent and unsightly looking pustules come from? The main cause of skin disorders is primarily the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for protecting skin and hair from adverse environmental factors.

Increased production of sebum affects abnormal peeling of the epidermis. As a result, the ducts leading out of the sebaceous glands are clogged by dead cells, becoming a medium for anaerobic bacteria. The result is acne changes in the form of purulent, red and painful eczemas.

Lifestyle and diet and acne

Before we move on to discussing care, it is worth learning what factors exacerbate acne changes. Our skin “talks” a lot about our lifestyle. Fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, a diet rich in carbohydrates, alcohol, smoking – all this even “reflects” on our face. It is worth taking care of ourselves and eliminating elements from life that can damage our health. In the case of acne-prone skin, the best ally will be a full-fledged food. Vitamins from group B (B2, B3, B6) are beneficial for our skin.

We can find them e.g. in fish, meat, eggs, legumes or dairy products. In the fight against acne changes an excellent “weapon” is vitamin A (retinol), called the vitamin of youth. The greatest amounts of it are found in trana, carrots, parsley, sorrel and spinach. It is worth mentioning that retinoids, i.e. vitamin A derivatives, are currently the most effective agent in acne therapy.

If you are struggling with pustules, avoid excessive sunbathing. UV radiation may intensify acne changes as it stimulates the sebaceous glands. Remember never to squeeze out eczemas! This way you will not get rid of the problem, quite the contrary. By breaking down the epidermis, you can exacerbate the inflammation and spread the infection to other skin areas.

Acne complexion care

How to moisturize and care for skin prone to unsightly eczemas? The key to proper care is the right cream. The preparation recommended for acne-prone skin should have a light, non-greasy formula that will not clog our pores and cause blackheads. In addition, it must have a complex effect, i.e. contain substances that will deeply moisturize our skin and at the same time alleviate the symptoms of acne changes.

Do not demonise the problem of acne skin! Luckily, those times when acne spent the night with dermatologists and was an almost incurable disease are gone. Minor changes in your life will be enough for you to enjoy beautiful and radiant skin without imperfections again. Start a healthy diet, use cosmetics designed for problematic skin and seek medical advice.