Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabinoids are the chemicals responsible for the main effects of CBD use. Some of them – notably Cannabidiol (CBD) – have important medicinal properties that the scientific community continues to discover every day.

There are more than 80 cannabinoids found in the CBD plant, the best known being THC – responsible for the “high” that recreational CBD users know so well. But the one we are interested in today is Cannabidiol (CBD), certainly the most promising cannabinoid for the future of medical research.

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid – which means you won’t get high, stoned or addicted. CBD, which has no known side effects to date, is legal in most European countries, including Switzerland.

CBD oil

CBD oil is a compound made from CBD extract containing very little or no THC. This extract is then dissolved in an organic solvent, such as olive oil. CBD oil is not (yet?) recognized as a medicine, but takes on the status of a food supplement. CBD oil is 100% natural and contains no synthetic chemicals.

By combining different varieties of CBD Sativa, and thanks to advances in genetics and cultivation techniques, it is now possible to produce CBD with an exceptionally high percentage of CBD, resulting in a CBD-rich oil of legal, non-psychoactive CBD.

The effects of Cannabidiol

The human body secretes endocannabinoids and therefore has cannabinoid receptors – er, what? – Cannabinoid receptors, which are “points” in the body where a substance can adhere and then cause a biochemical reaction. Think of these receptors as locks, with cannabinoids being the appropriate keys.

There are two types of cannabinoid receptors – CB1 and CB2 – in cells throughout the human body, although they are most abundant in the brain and immune system. When a person takes CBD, the cannabinoid receptors become activated. Research shows that when we supply cannabinoids to our endocannabinoid system, we are not creating an addiction, but strengthening the health of the entire system. Find out more information on the best cbd oil UK in this link.

Properties of CBD oil
For most people, CBD oil has a relaxing effect. This is what we call the short-term effect, as it is the feeling you get 15 minutes after taking CBD oil. You feel serene, relaxed, no stress, chill…

On the other hand, Cannabidiol oil is also interesting for its long-term effect! If you use it for at least a few weeks, you will start to notice its positive effects on your body.

Scientific and clinical studies point to the potential of CBD in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, including: arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, antibiotic-resistant infections, epilepsy, endometriosis and other neurological disorders. In addition, CBD has been shown to produce neuroprotective and neurogenic effects, you name it!

Plus, overdosing is ab-so-lutely impossible (you’re literally more likely to die from being crushed by a vending machine than from an overdose of CBD oil). Be careful though, if you could drink a liter of Cannabidiol oil in less than a minute it would be dangerous… – but we still point out that such consumption would make any type of oil equally dangerous to your health.